


1961年 京都市立美術大学(現芸術大学)西洋画学科卒業後、油彩、版画(粘土板によるオリジナル転写版画)を制作。自由美術展、日本版画会展、グループ展、個展等作品を発表。カンボジア、タイ、インド、スペイン・カダケス等にて、現地の子供達や先生達に美術指導を6回以上実践。

現在 自由美術協会会員、日本版画会員、版画フォーラム実行委員会委員

1975  平安画廊(京都)
1991・1993・1995   ギャラリー光絆(京都)
1997  ギャラリー  View  / ギャラリー樹香(長野・木曽福島)
1999  ギャラリー ヒルゲート(京都)
2001  ギャラリー いちゆうド ローイング展(京都)
2005  平安画廊(京都)/  WEスペース(京都)
2007  ギャラリー マーヤ(大阪高槻)
2008  ギャラリーかもがわ(京都)
2011   ギャラリーSUZUKI (京都)
2012  ギャラリーおおみち(大分)/ギャラリーOCT (京都)
2014  ギャラリーマーヤ(大阪高槻)

1962〜 自由美術展・自由美術関西展・自由美術京都作家展・佳
2008〜日本版画会会員展 会員賞受賞 (2011)
2011〜 版画フォーラム和紙の里ひがしちちぶ展(以降毎年出品受賞)
2010,2012,2014  姫路城現代美術ビエンナーレ展 白鷲賞受賞 /
            Cadaqués 国際ミニプリント展 (スペイン)
           ”三つの 魂”展/  Expo  & Art Festival  Gallery  Marges-U
           Cadaques (スペイン)
2015. 自由美術展・靉光賞受賞
2020 In Chelsea ( New York )  その他グループ展多数
2021  日本版画会 版画会賞受賞



Hiroko Sato /  artistic history

After graduating from the Western Painting Department of Kyoto City University of Arts (currently the University of Arts) in 1961, she produced oil paintings and prints (original transfer prints on clay tablets). She has exhibited works such as free art exhibition, Japanese print exhibition, group exhibition, and solo exhibition. She has taught her art to local children and teachers more than 6 times in Cambodia, Thailand, India, Cadaques, Spain, etc.
Currently a member of the Free Art Association, a member of the Japanese Prints Association, and a member of the Prints Forum Executive Committee.

Solo exhibition
1975 Heian Gallery (Kyoto)
1991/1993/1995 Gallery Kyoto Kizuna (Kyoto)
1997 Gallery View / Gallery Kika (Nagano / Kiso Fukushima)
1999 Gallery Her Hill Gate (Kyoto)
2001 Gallery Ichiyuudo Her Rowing Exhibition (Kyoto)
2005 Heian Gallery (Kyoto) / WE Space (Kyoto)
2007 Gallery Maya (Takatsuki, Osaka)
2008 Gallery Kamogawa (Kyoto)
2011 Gallery SUZUKI (Kyoto)
2012 Gallery Omichi (Oita) / Gallery OCT (Kyoto)
2014 Gallery Maya (Takatsuki, Osaka)

Group exhibition, main group exhibition
1962-Free Art Exhibition, Free Art Kansai Exhibition, Free Art Kyoto Exhibition, Received  Award twice (1981)
2001-Kansai Printmaking Exhibition
2008-Japan Print Association Member Exhibition Member Award Winner (2011)
2011-Print Forum Washi no Sato Higashi Chichibu Exhibition (Awarded every year since then)
2010,2012,2014 Himeji Castle Contemporary Art Biennale Exhibition White Eagle Award /Cadaqués 
         International Mini Print Exhibition (Spain)  “Three Souls” Exhibition / Expo & Art Festival Gallery Marges-U
         Cadaques (Spain)
2015. Free Art Exhibition, Aimitsu Award
2020 In Chelsea (New York) Many other group exhibitions
2021 Received the Print Association Award from the Japan Print Association

Collection works (public)
Kyoto Prefectural Hospital (oil painting) Shiga Prefecture Azumigawa Ark Nursery School (oil painting)  Donation – Aoya Kyodokan, Tottori City, Bulgarian Verco Tarnow Museum (prints), Donation – the Japanese Embassy in Serbia (prints)